Tom himself would later adopt and train the son of one of Guile's fallen comrades, Alex.

Guile's military service also sees him befriending a military trainer named Tom from New York City. Abel almost gets crushed to death, but Guile helps him out of the lab. Soon after Juri escapes, the lab starts to collapse. She states that nothing of value is in the lab, but Shadaloo is working on operation C.H.A.I.N.S. They go to an abandoned S.I.N lab, where they find and confront Juri. Later, they get reports that former S.I.N members are being abducted. Also at some point around this time, Guile saves an undercover Abel from Shadaloo agent F.A.N.G. As Ryu defeats Bison and Rashid sets the facility to explode, Guile meets everyone else as they are relieved that M. This was all for naught, however, as Bison survives. Nash appears and fights off Bison, eventually blowing himself up as a sacrifice as Guile watches. On the final assault on Shadaloo, Guile and Chun-Li are confronted by M. He soon found his friend alive, albeit revived and stitched together by the Secret Society in Street Fighter V's Story Mode. He is contacted by Karin Kanzuki in a plan to take down a resurrected Shadaloo. Still believing Nash is alive, Guile officially goes AWOL and sets out to prove it once and for all. Guile is then seen going to Charlie's grave, putting a beer bottle on the tombstone to give his buddy a drink. After retrieving information from the S.I.N base, Guile rescues an unconscious Chun-Li and watches from a helicopter as the base explodes. It is unknown who won the fight, but both are later seen together. The two eventually come to blows because of it. Believing this means Abel knows about Charlie, Guile starts interrogating him, but Abel refuses to give up any information to a stranger. Along the way, he meets a man named Abel, who recognizes the Sonic Boom technique. During the events of Street Fighter IV, Guile enters the tournament in an attempt to get information and possibly take down S.I.N. It was not to last, as he was not convinced that Charlie had perished.īelieving that the truth might be with the S.I.N Corporation, Guile helps track down operative Juri alongside Chun-Li and Cammy. For all his taunts of "Go home and be a family man!" Guile did just that. Upon meeting Bison however, Guile was stopped by the arrival of his wife and daughter, who persuaded him to spare Bison and abandon revenge. Guile swore vengeance on Bison and entered the second Street Fighter tournament to this end.
#Super street fighter 2 guile trial
Bison survived the incident and was put on trial for murder of a military officer and Chun-Li's father, but was acquitted after bribing all of the judges.
#Super street fighter 2 guile free
Charlie broke free of his programming and rescued Guile and Chun-Li, seemingly at the cost of his own life. The two eventually discovered that Charlie had been kidnapped and brainwashed by Shadaloo's dictator M. His search brought him into the path of Interpol agent Chun-Li who was also investigating a disappearance: that of her father. When Charlie went missing investigating the mysterious Shadaloo cartel, Guile swore to find his friend and bring him home. But because Guile has less focus and greater anger than Charlie, he is less effective at using these moves his Flash Kick hits only once and is performed with a conventional backflip as opposed to Charlie's two-hit reverse backflip, and he requires both arms to use a Sonic Boom, whereas Charlie only needs one. Guile learned to fight from his best friend Charlie Nash, who taught him moves such as the Flash Kick and the Sonic Boom. Guile hails from the United States of America, and is a major in the United States Air Force. He would go on to appear in every iteration of Street Fighter II, as well as the home release versions of Street Fighter Alpha 3, all incarnations of Street Fighter IV, as part of the first wave of DLC for Street Fighter V, and in several crossover games. Guile is one of the original eight playable characters from Street Fighter II: The World Warrior. Guile defeating Ken with a Flash Kick in Street Fighter II